Empowering Village Youth to Unleash Greatness


At RGO, we firmly believe that youth involvement in three key domains—Career & Entrepreneurship, Sports, and Arts & Culture—holds the key to unlocking their potential for success. Our overarching goal is to nurture and cultivate talents and skills in these areas, ultimately fulfilling our vision of raising giants.

Career and Entrepreneurship

We offer the essential tools, guidance, and opportunities to empower young talents in realizing their career and entrepreneurial aspirations. We equip them with the skills required for self-sufficiency and socio-economic advancement


We have a steadfast belief in the transformative power of sports to shape character, instill discipline, and build success. Our dedicated focus encompasses the entire value chain, ensuring that talent is equipped with essential gear, access to proper infrastructure, and fostering the development of capable coaches to sustain this growth

Arts and Culture

We wholeheartedly embrace the richness of South African culture, championing the arts as a conduit for self-expression and unity. Through artistic exploration, we not only foster personal growth but also ignite a sense of heritage celebration within communities. Our foremost intention is to nurture talents, offer the requisite exposure, and provide invaluable experience in the world of arts

Press Release

Raising Giants Hosts A Successful Annual Amazing RaceFundraising Event

Prison Break Market, 15th June 2024 – Raising Giants celebrated a remarkable return of their annual Amazing Race fundraising event, attracting an enthusiastic crowd and generating significant support for their mission...

We Completed 20+ Projects
over the years
Years+ Years of Experience
About us

RGO was established in 2008

Established in 2008, Raising Giants Organization (RGO) has steadfastly pursued its visionary mission: to nurture the next generation of African leaders across various domains, encompassing careers, entrepreneurship, sports, and arts & culture. RGO accomplishes this mission through a multifaceted approach, entailing mentorship programs, exposure to diverse experiences, and the provision of pertinent skills crucial for future success.

RGO has been a beacon of achievement, forging collaborations and securing sponsorships from distinguished entities like the Auditor General South Africa, Nike SA, O Magazine, FNB, MTN, Metropolitan Republic, Gold youth and NLC. The organization has attracted support and partnerships from a variety of entities such as The Pearls Book club, The Zodwa Khoza Foundation and Hekima Counsel. The organization has garnered accolades and recognition, including the prestigious Gauteng Premiers' Excellence Award in 2019 and SA Heroes Awards in 2020, lauding its outstanding contributions to youth and education. During the trying times of the Covid-19 pandemic, RGO launched the Digital Entrepreneurship Program, enrolling and empowering 50 young individuals with essential digital skills.

Why Choose Us

RGO upholds a proven track record of clean audits.

    Our mission involves hosting quarterly camps to provide mentorship, support, skill development, and leadership cultivation for our youth.
    We are committed to bolstering village communities through our support for locally relevant projects. Our aim is to bridge economic disparities and create meaningful impact.
    We take on the role of advocating for villages, amplifying their challenges, and driving awareness to inspire solutions from corporations, government entities, and partner non-profit organizations.
    We assume the crucial role of bridging the information gap between villages and urban centers by actively raising awareness about all opportunities pertinent to enhancing the well-being of our villages
We envision nurturing the future Tutus and Mandelas, emerging from the diverse villages across Africa.
Our Tagline: Empowering Village Youth To Unleash Greatness.
Get Involved

How Can You Help?

Becoming a part of RGO signifies aligning with an organization that upholds a proven track record of clean audits. We take immense pride in nurturing lasting relationships that yield tangible and demonstrable impacts. At RGO, we believe there is a role for everyone to contribute to our shared vision and mission.

Become a Partner

Businesses, nonprofits, and various organizations have the opportunity to collaborate with RGO, enabling the organization to leverage its skills and capacity to maximize and magnify its impact.

Become an Advocate

You can bolster RGO's mission by becoming passionate advocates for our cause. This may involve spreading the word through social media, actively participating in our events, or advocating for support from other organizations and individuals.

Donate Money

Your financial contributions to RGO play a vital role in covering the organization's operational expenses, which include staff salaries, the logistics of running camps, and RGO's active participation in community projects.

Become a Volunteer

You have the chance to engage in our immersive camps, spanning over 3 to 4 days, as well as to take part in any of our exciting events, including our fundraising initiatives.

Sponsor RGO Event

Organizations have the option to sponsor a camp for a specific duration or any segment of the camp. Additionally, at our annual fundraising events, organizations can sponsor various activities, including prizes, venues, and more, contributing to the overall success of RGO's events.

Donate Non-Monetary Items

Donations of non-monetary items like skills, educational materials, sports kits/equipment, books, transportation services, and discounted accommodation and catering play a vital role in our successful execution of our programs.
